Picking the right size lamp shade for your lamp base!

Picking the right size lamp shade for your lamp base!

There are basic guidelines to follow to figure out which size would be suitable for your lamp base.
Please note there is no wrong shade, if you love your lampshade it is the right size! You can try out different styles, colours and sizes to update your home decor!

If you already have a lampshade on your lamp base of which you like the size we recommend measuring the diameter and height and match it with a lampshade that has the closest measurements to this. There is no exact science to this, a couple of centimetres difference will not matter!

Lamp bases are available in many sizes and shapes. Therefore the following basic guidelines are used to make sure that everything is in proportion to each other. 

So how are lampshades measured?
Measuring across the top of the lampshade from left to right gives you the diameter. If the lampshade measures 20cm across than this is referred to as a 20cm shade.

A quick general sizing rule is:
15-20cm diameter for small lamp bases
25-30cm diameter for medium lamp bases
35-40cm diameter for large lamp bases
40-50cm diameter for floor lamp bases

Get to measuring!
An approximate guide for working out the right size is to measure the table lamp you have from bottom of the base to top just below the lamp fitting. A recommendation would then be to choose a lampshade diameter size that is 5cm larger or smaller in diameter than the measured height of your base.
For example for a lamp base that is 40cm tall you can choose a lamp shade that is 35 to 45cm in diameter.

The Three rules:
(Remember these rules can easily be broken and look fantastic! It is all up to you. This is a guide if you are unsure)
1. Diameter of the lamp shade should be roughly equal to the height of the lamp base

2. The height you choose should be about two thirds of the height of the lamp base. For example, total height of the lamp with shade is 60cm, 40% of this should be made up by the lampshade and 60% should be made up by the lamp base.


3. The width of the lampshade should be wider than the widest part of the lamp base